Vidatak Provides Life-Saving Communication
Tools For Non-Verbal Patients

One of the greatest fears we humans face is not being able to communicate our needs.
Whether from short-term incapacitation from a surgery, breathing apparatus from a Coronavirus treatment, a trach temporarily preventing words, language barriers, stroke, or some other dementia-causing event—being able to communicate is life-saving.
Up until recently, patients experiencing a communication impairment had very little recourse. Even the best, most-empathetic caregivers cannot read minds. (Though sometimes they almost seem like they can!)
A company called Vidatak™ has invented an extraordinary communication board and downloadable app (called Vidatalk) that caregivers can use to facilitate communication no matter what the language or the impairment.
"When I most needed to communicate, I wasn't able to. I couldn't speak, and I couldn't make myself understood.
Nor did I feel like I was being given the opportunity to perform as an individual. I felt like I was being judged
by a different set of criteria for other patients. And, you know, that's natural. I am not an ordinary patient.
I'm sure no one's an ordinary patient."
Best of all, due to the pandemic, Vidatak is graciously providing the app at no charge until June 30th. To download, click here.
More Info
These easy to use tools, available in over 20 different bilingual configurations, are the only evidence-based, patient designed communication boards available. Unlike other communication boards, the EZ Boards' design has undergone years of clinical and user experience testing, is patient- and provider-centric providing clear options to both patients and caregivers, resulting in the most effective communications available for patients with difficulty speaking.
VidaTalk™ is an interactive, multilingual communication tool for nonvocal and critically ill patients across the spectrum of communication capabilities. The most common phrases can be selected with a single touch, combined with typing communication and drawing allowing for easy, quick, and efficient customizable communication. The only patient-designed, research-based iPad communication tool for nonvocal and critically ill patients.
For more information visit their website or watch the video here:
Lastly, in these difficult times, we are all looking to do something to help those suffering from Coronavirus—here’s an extraordinary way to do so. We invite you to join us by donating to their GoFundMe account, which will help make more language options available.
The Team at AccreditedHomeHealthcare.Directory
Last updated 5/27/2020